Hello friends! Today I am showing you our tractors and telling you about the different uses they have around the farm!
Why New Holland?
All of our tractors are the blue ‘New Holland’. Despite their name, these are all made in Basidon, Essex. We aim to support British manufacturing as much as we can! Although the tractors may all look very similar, they have different things going on under the bonnet, and I will explain a bit more about this in detail.
T7.270 Blue Power
The newest addtion to our tractor fleet, the T7.270 is the flagship tractor on the farm. She comes fully with front PTO (power take off), which means we can put 10 foot mowers on the front and 20 foot mowers on the back, so we can mow 30 feet of grass at a time. GPS and Autosteer is used for drilling corn, maize and grass for accuracy and efficiency. Blue Power has 260-270bhp. Pictured here Adrian is drilling wheat, mowing grass silage and baling straw.
The T7.235 is the main tractor for ploughing, hauling silage and spreading slurry. Here she is hauling grass silage alongside the Claas forage harvester.
Versatile and powerful the 235 is a good hard working general tractor with just over 200bhp
A 180bhp tractor, the T7.210 spends most of her time feeding the cows with the Kvernaland Siloking diet feeder. When we are busy in the summer she can be found spreading fertilizer and swathing grass; lighter-weight jobs for her lower BHP.
For more information on New Holland tractors and thier full range of agriculatural machinery check out their website here.